
EarolSwim® offers a metered dose spray of pharmaceutical-grade olive oil, tea tree oil and mineral oil which acts as an invisible ear plug, protecting the ears from water ingress during water-based activities. EarolSwim® prevents water trapping which could lead to otitis externa and other bacterial infections in the ears.

Clinically proven to prevent water trapping in the ears, and protecting the ear canals from unhygienic water, EarolSwim® creates a water repellant barrier to prevent sore, itchy, and irritated ears.


EarolSwim® delivers a metered dose spray of olive oil with tea tree oil, directly into the ear via a tapered actuator. The product prevents water from trapping in the ears during swimming and prevents water borne infections as well as protecting ears from dirty water. EarolSwim® negates the need for unhygienic earplugs or swimming caps by creating a water-resistant and repellant oil layer in the ear essentially waterproofing the ear. Suitable for use on children from 1 year.

Key Benefits

  • Creates a water resistant and repellent oil layer to waterproof the ear and repel water from the ear after swimming.
  • Contains natural ingredients: pharmaceutical-grade olive oil and tea tree oil.
  • Ideal for travelling to protect children’s ears from dirty pool water on holiday.
  • Simple to use, natural, patient-intuitive with no mess or spillage.
  • Bespoke, reusable, durable carry case ensures the product can be safely stored and remains secure when travelling.
  • Patient receives the exact same dose each time with a minimum of 180 doses per pack.

Key Ingredients

Pharmaceutical-grade olive oil, tea tree oil and mineral oil.

Regulatory Status

Medical Device