
Earol® is used to aid the removal of ear wax. It can also be used to soothe dry, itchy and irritated ears.

Clinically proven to soften and remove impacted ear wax to prepare the ear canals for clinical dewaxing, Earol® is highly recommended by audiologists, pharmacists, and healthcare professionals.


Earol® delivers a metered dose spray of pharmaceutical-grade olive oil, directly into the ear via a tapered actuator. There is no need for unsightly cotton wool plugs to keep the oil in the ear, since the metered spray dose provides the right amount, adhering directly to the ear canal walls. This product works to aid the removal of ear wax, softening and breaking it down, and preparing the ear canal for clinical dewaxing. In addition to soothing itchy and irritated ears.

Key Benefits

  • Metered dose spray of oil, which prevents oil leaking out of the ear.
  • Contains natural ingredients: pharmaceutical-grade olive oil.
  • Safe tapered actuator ensures that the product cannot be pushed too far into the ear canal.
  • Patient receives the exact same dose each time with a minimum of 180 doses per pack.
  • Can be used prophylactically, once a week to ensure continued good ear hygiene and prevent wax buildup.
  • Highly recommended by audiologists, pharmacists and health care professionals.

Key Ingredients

Pharmaceutical-grade olive oil and mineral oil.

Regulatory Status

Medical Device